Largest independent pool servicing company, looking after South Australian for over 25 years.

Aqua Shop: Free Water Testing and Full Report Instore

Shop 2 no 31 Roxburgh ave Lonsdale

+61 411 843 117

Opening : Mon-Fri 08:00 - 17:00

adelaide pool

Maintaining a pool requires the best supplies and services. Adelaide Aqua Boys specializes in pool cleaning services. This guide covers essential pool supplies and maintenance tips for Adelaide residents.

Pool Cleaning and Maintenance

To keep your pool sparkling clean, reliable pool cleaners are essential. Adelaide Aqua Boys offers expert services that include automatic and manual pool cleaners. Ensuring your pool stays debris-free is vital for enjoyment and health.

Water Quality and Chemicals

Maintaining proper water quality is crucial. Use high-quality water testing kits to monitor pH and chlorine levels. Regularly adding chlorine and pH balancers ensures a safe swimming environment. Adelaide Aqua Boys can assist with selecting the right pool chemicals for your needs.

Filtration Systems

A good filtration system is key to a clean pool. Choose from sand filters, cartridge filters, or DE (Diatomaceous Earth) filters. Adelaide Aqua Boys recommends regular maintenance of pumps and motors to ensure efficiency.

Heating Solutions

Enjoy your pool year-round with effective heating solutions. Options include gas heaters, electric heaters, and solar heaters. Adelaide Aqua Boys can help you find the best solution for your pool’s needs.

Pool Covers and Safety

Safety is paramount. Invest in quality pool covers such as solar covers or safety covers. Adelaide Aqua Boys also offers advice on pool alarms and fences to enhance safety measures around your pool.

Accessories and Fun Items

Enhance your pool experience with pool toys, floats, and lighting. Adelaide Aqua Boys stocks a variety of fun and functional accessories to make your pool the perfect relaxation spot.

Seasonal Pool Care

Seasonal changes require specific pool care. Adelaide Aqua Boys provides services for winterizing your pool and opening your pool for the summer. Proper seasonal maintenance can extend the life of your pool.

Buying Guide and Tips

When purchasing pool supplies in Adelaide, consider both local stores and online options. Adelaide Aqua Boys offers expert advice to help you choose the right products within your budget. Remember to check customer reviews and store reputations.

Troubleshooting Common Pool Problems

Cloudy water and algae growth are common issues. Regular testing and the right chemicals can prevent these problems. Adelaide Aqua Boys provides troubleshooting tips and services to keep your pool in top condition.

Adelaide’s climate influences pool maintenance. Adelaide Aqua Boys understands local conditions and offers tailored services. Visit their local stores for the best pool supplies and expert advice specific to Adelaide.


Regular maintenance with the right pool supplies ensures a clean and safe swimming environment. Trust Adelaide Aqua Boys, specialists in pool cleaning services, to keep your pool in excellent condition. Utilize local resources for the best results.